
  • What happens when you donate to the Columbia Public Library?  

YOU are investing in our future!   

Author Neil Gaiman once said that we all have an obligation to IMAGINE!  He stated that the act of reading has so many benefits – it helps raise literate children, helps build empathy, and inspires innovation.  Libraries are about freedom. Freedom to read, freedom of ideas, and freedom of communication. Libraries are also about education, access to information, entertainment, and making safe spaces.  Literacy is more important today than ever. Libraries are the portals to the future. And Gaiman believes we have an obligation to support libraries. He reminds us that Albert Einstein was asked once how we could make our children intelligent.  His reply was both simple and wise. “If you want your children to be intelligent,” he said, “read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” Einstein understood the value of reading, and of imagining.  YOU, my friends, can help us continue to offer a library where the community can IMAGINE!

You might be surprised to learn that libraries receive absolutely no funding from the federal government.  Our annual expenses were around $225,000 in 2023, with only $69,000 coming from state, county, or municipal funding.  The total income received from library services is around $7,000.  The balance of our expenses are covered by our generous supporters who understand how important libraries are to our community!

We look forward to you helping us create a community empowered to shape its future by understanding the past, gaining new perspectives,

and exploring new worlds.


Click on the button below to donate to the Columbia Public Library!

      1. Click the ‘”Donate” button in the bottom right hand corner of the website and then enter the amount that you would like to contribute to the Columbia Public Library.
      2. From there choose either Paypal or your credit/debit card.
      3. Once you have done that fill out the information required.
      4. You should be able to hit the “Donate Now” button.

Donations may be made in the following ways:

  • By check:  payable to “Columbia Public Library”
    • Our address is 24 South Sixth Street, Columbia PA   17512
  • Cash donations may be brought into the library at any time
  • No donation is too large or too small!
  • Our Annual Appeal runs in the fall.
  • We participate in Extraordinary Give on the third Friday of November.
  • United Way payroll deduction.
  • Power of Two:  ask two friends to donate, and then tell them to ask two of their friends…
  • Memorial Contributions – in lieu of flowers, memorial contributions are a meaningful way to honor the memory of your loved one.
  • Bequests – add the Columbia Public Library as a beneficiary in your estate.
  • Help us spread the word to your friends, family, employers, or anyone interested in supporting their local library.
  • Room Naming Right opportunities are still available.
  • Call us to schedule a personal meeting and tour to discuss your ideas.

For more information or to discuss these or other opportunities, please contact